Wednesday, January 7, 2009

NEW FEATURE! WHat Thomas and Shady are doing while you are at work!!

YES!!! There is a new feature here at Amy Chace Online Presence! The addition of 'THomas and Shady don't have jobs!" I will be posting images of the hi-jinks, schananigans and napping activity of Thomas and Shady. They are un-employed and it is mostly because they are lazy. They will not kill a bug or do anything at all that does not agree with them. They will interfere with any project that you deem important. On with the show:

Thomas naps in the closet:

Shady drinks from the toliet:

They get angry and turn over their bowls. Cat-ica! Cat-ica!:

Thomas sleeps in the baby seat:

Shady tries to escape out the air conditioner:

Thomas likes to watch me pee:

Now for some general sleeping and cuteness:


Anonymous said...

Dear? Amy,
I feel your pain!!! I mean really, when you have Turtles as pets it's ok. You don't think of rent and things like that. It's like your taking care of the little critters. But when you come home and the "slackers" greet you at the door it's like, this is all you can muster up? Then to have to see the countless commercials for cat this and cat that. You look at the little cherubs and say......."look these pussies are making money" , "what's wrong with you guys"???? You know Amy, they are secretly laughing at you!!! Yup, just busting there furry little guts!!!! "Let's see how much we can make her spend this week...........wraaaaaaaaaaaaaawrrrrrrrrrr! (No one has actually written the cat "language", don't show it to the cats. I don't want them angry with me the next time I'm there!)

So in essence, PIMP THEM MOTHERFUCKERS OUT!!!!!!! Don't be scared!!! Ride the last wave of "pimpin" because now that there's a black president, "pimpin" is on the way OUT!!!!



Art Cloud Jewelry said...

I swear, cats are psycho! My cats do WIERD stuff while I'm away too