Thursday, October 16, 2008

I made some much cool stuff today!!!

This past week I have been making stuff like crazy! My newest project are teaspoons with sculpted handles (roses,cacti etc...) dipped in chocolate (for stirring into coffee) and wrapped up with an ORiginal ACEO/ATC (artist trading card)! I put them up on my etsy today:
I also finished two pieces of art about stars. They are super cute. I haven't put them up on etsy yet though. I am pondering that. hmm...
Anyway, enjoy some pictures from today:


David said...
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David Weldy said...


Amy, you are soooooo talented! I have never been blessed with the gift of "making things" as some people. But, that doesn't mean I can't admire those that do.

By the way, I don't know if you had that BlogRush widget or not. But, it really PO'ed me that they gave very little advance warning they were shutting down. I know you are busy "making things." But, if you get the chance, check out my new blog, "Diary: Alone on Earth" at It is my first shot at fiction.

Had to delete that last comment. I hate when I misspell words. :)